Monday, August 17, 2009

Welcome to Hotel California

Actually, the Capital Park Hotel in Sacramento, CA. Acrylic on stretched canvas 14"X18".


Barbara Muir said...

Very cool David.

I've been on holiday. Now it seems I have to search around for a hat.

Take care,


vanina barañao said...

Saludos de argentina

Anonymous said...

Your range is so vast David, and every medium you work in, you own.

It knocks me out to see what you do.
I enjoy your blog not just for the artistry but the liveliness of your writing.

David Lobenberg said...

Barbara, Please with whipping cream on top, submit your hot, hot, hot self portrait with hat!

David Lobenberg said...

Gracias, Vanina from Argentina!

David Lobenberg said...

Wow, Comrade Bonnie! Your thought about my writing is very satisfying for me as it come from a very good writer!