Nope. Not me. Sure Lehman (spelling?) Brothers had to be purchased by B of A, and Dean Whitter (spelling?) is kaput, and Fannie Mae and the other one needed government bailouts, and the USA is way in debt to foreign countries, and AIG insurance (the largest in the world, for god's sakes!), is in BIG financial trouble (as is my state of California), and our car insurance is with AIG, and my car was totaled last week (thank god for seatbelts and airbags), and my sternum was fractured in the accident, and I'm waiting for a settlement from AIG. It doesn't faze me in the least, because today I received my four
Carol Marine paintings that I purchased from her last week. They are beauties, and I plan on using them as teaching aids for my '09 spring semester acrylic class at Sacramento City College!
PS: Here are three acrylic portraits on 12"X16" stretched canvases that I previously posted that have been tweaked. What do you think?.. good, bad and ugly opinions are solicited here.