Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cloudy with chance of showers

Painting clouds is an exercise in subtlety...subtle color and value changes, and clouds are not white and grey. This was a class demo in acrylic on stretched canvas (12'X17"). Acrylic paint does not blend nearly as easily as oil (acrylic paint dries within about 5 to 12 minutes!). I used flat brushes and a VERY LIGHT touch for color glazing and value blending. As California goes into summer so too does the it go into a drought. No wonder that every time it rains, I thoroughly enjoy the event!


Barbara Muir said...

Hi David,

The composition is wonderful, and I like those activists -- the bits of blue sky determined to win out over the looming cloud masses. A Triumph.

Super work.


Mike said...

Yesssir, anotha winnah!!

Elizabeth Seaver said...

Love the curved horizon line!

milindmulick said...

love it.honest look.know is difficult to paint cloud in acrylic.

David Lobenberg said...

Barbara, I like that..."activists".

David Lobenberg said...

Thankya, Mike!

David Lobenberg said...

Elizabeth: yes, the curved horizon and trees against a "threatening" sky makes me want to be there.

David Lobenberg said...

Milind, I was a little unsure of myself when I started painting them in front of my students, but praise be to the gods of painterly muse that all went well.

Anonymous said...

Ohh I really like this ! beautiful !

David Lobenberg said...

Thank you, Morgaine. Your photography is beautiful on your photo blog. said...

This is a very nice piece. I like the land as much as the sky but both are very well done.

David Lobenberg said...

Thank you, Onpainting!