Friday, January 16, 2015

The ship left the dock without me!!!

Today I applied for a very cushy job for the state of California.  Job title - State Art Czar. Annual salary - $325 K per year with killer retirement and health benefits. A four week, all-expense-paid vacation to Finland thrown in to sweeten the deal. All I needed to do was pass the watercolor- monochromatic-portraiture-painting test. When I finished this piece, I figured I had the job bagged. I hadn't notice the added color! The subconscious mind is not something to be ignored.


  1. Aw, that sneaky colour. It gets in the way of the best plans in black and white and grey scale.

    Hear ya. Your friend in the dot.
    Watched your video today. Awesome!


  2. Dang that fine print! Gorgeous work.
