Friday, January 23, 2015

Shelved Watercolor Portrait

Finished this one yesterday. It's a quickie Payne's Grey (Winsor Newton) portrait study on an 11 by 14 inch sheet of Strathmore acid-free, "Windpower" watercolor paper. Not a very expensive paper, but it works for me. It sits on one of my studio wall display shelves.


  1. I love the portrait. Where do you get studio wall display shelves? What am I saying? You're in California. The title scared me because I like your work, and didn't want you ditching something I liked.

    Your fan in the T.


  2. Barbara- Got the shelves about three years ago at Ikea. Don't worry, I ain't doing no ditching, and don't you either. Your recent painting posts are dope( (or in plain surfer talk, sick!)
