Thursday, August 8, 2013

Portrait by eyeball

You are not drawing a face, you are not drawing a face, you are not drawing a face. That's my mantra with anything I draw or paint. I draw and paint shapes, contours, and values. That is what any artist needs to concentrate on. That is pure right brain muscle power. The shapes need to be angled, proportioned, and positioned as accurately as possible, the contours also need to be as accurate as possible, and you need to see and control value relationships. Do that, practice that, and you too can eyeball it.


  1. Like it. Beautiful face (ha ha!).
    I am thinking like this, but I also know I love drawing people for their personalities. I am drawing a feeling.

    You of course are the best.

    Your fan in T.O.


  2. Hey Barbara! Yep, you DO draw and paint people with personalities, and ya do it well! This Sunday, I do a demo for the Santa Clara Valley Watercolor Society followed by a five day watercolor portrait workshop, Five days! Please wish me god'd speed. I am hoping my demo will be oozing some personality. If it does, I'll post it on this blog,
