Saturday, August 3, 2013

Check out my new website

I have a brand, spanking new website. Go to my sidebar on this blog and click on the link under "Website" or click here. I am beginning to teach more workshops outside of California at venues like Art in the Mountains where I am scheduled to teach a five-day watercolor workshop in August of next year, and this blog will serve to announce that information as well as showing my art. I am still in the process of fleshing it out and learning how to most effectively use it, but as of now, I have quite a good sampling of my watercolor portraiture work on it. I hope, dear reader, that you may want to pay my new site a visit. You can even submit your email address to receive periodic newsletters from me. There is a lot of digital technology for us artists to use, and I am hoping to use it effectively for my blog readers and followers, Facebook friends and fans, and my workshop participants.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a little late, but congratulations on the launch of your new website! I had a look around and I think it's absolutely great. Having a website is going to make it a lot easier to find you and to stay updated with your schedules.
