Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Only in California

Another grapes- on- the- vine watercolor iconic California image. My nephew, Pablo Lobenberg's marriage (the bride is from a Figian Indian family. Next month, she will be inducted into the US Navy as a lieutenant clinical psychologist) last week to Ashlyn Batt. The Hindu priest is from San Diego...knarly, man!...only in California!...and what a wonderful family Pablo married into!


  1. Your grapes make my mouth water! Luscious, ripe, blooming with bursts of color. Ah...makes me wonder why I'm still trying when I see mastery like this - but I guess I'm just stubborn enough to keep trying!

  2. It's something that would happen in Rockford, Illinois and Toronto, Canada too! My nephew Gregory Weinberg married Alisha Kumar in two ceremonies. One was a traditional western wedding in Rockford and the other a traditional Hindu wedding in Toronto. My nephew rode a white horse to the ceremony! After the wedding, he went back to being a dentist and she went back to medical school.

  3. The Laynes, Bill & MariellenAugust 11, 2010 at 8:59 PM

    congratulations to your nephew and his beautiful bride

  4. Superb painting, and that must have been a delightful wedding. But
    it doesn't just happen in California -- the whole story.

    Superb grapes.

    You are the painter!

    Take care,


  5. Stunning colors and great depth in the background. I love the highlights left on individual grapes which make them look so real! Love your work, it's great!

  6. What a diverse family you have, David. That is sooo cool! The photograph is just phenomenal in both its ceremony and its composition. Love love love the grapes!

  7. Rhonda, Stubbornness is very important to advancement. Didn't Edison say something about his genius being 90% perspiration?

  8. David (Lifeartist), Good, as always, to hear from you! What a great story. Only in Toronto and Illinois!

  9. Barbara, Pooh! I guess interesting things happen outside of my fair and economically broke state!

  10. Autumn, a Richard Avedon I'm not, but I try. Gladya like the grapes!
