Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Winter Semester Student Charcoal Portraits

Last year, I posted some of my Sacramento City College drawing student's self portraits. This year, I took photos of my winter semester drawing students and distributed them in a manner in which they had to do one of their fellow classmates. Here is a sampling of the results. Two photos in particular crack me up...totally spontaneous poses on their part!


  1. And good at posing for my camera, Autumn.

  2. Looks like everyone get in the spirit of things. Great work!

  3. An instant reply to your comment, Myrna - ace watercolorist (plus other mediums). You see that young man holding up the portrait he did of the young lady wearing glasses? He was such a royal pain in the butt that I had to pull him aside one day and threaten to drop him from my class. That scared him, and he was OK after that. This was a good thing as he was a talented artist. The young lady in the photo is now in my acrylic class. She too is a talented artist!

  4. Great work. At what level is this class. I have such rank beginners it can be tough to teach portraiture to them. Care to share some teaching ideas?
    You are right somtimes the "hotshots" can be a royal pain! Usually figure drawing humbles them.

  5. Lifeartist, This was a beginning drawing class at the two year college where I teach. In my drawing classes, I teach the six universal skill sets of drawing: Angle, Proportion, Position, Contour, Value, and Shape (both positive and negative). We do portraiture at the very end of the semester utilizing all six skill sets. I made things easier for them, in that they were working from photographs and not real life.
