Tuesday, January 26, 2010

San Francisco Cable Car Study

This is a water color study I painted on 140lb cold press Canson water color paper. It measures 10 1/2"X 14". I pulled the reference photo off of YouTube. Unlike opaque mediums, you have hardly any room for corrections with water color ( at least with the way I like it!). My good buddy Mike Bailey would reject this claim, but I believe that if you want that traditional, loose, wet, runny h2o look, your effort has to be painted right the first time out the gate. If not, hang your head down in shame and angrily toss your painting into the nearest dumpster, late at night and in the seedy part of town. Thus I do studies. I make mistakes and learn what I want and do not want to do. I present this study in hopes of posting a final SF cable car water color that I can hold high with pride as I prance around a meadow filled with fragrant spring, dew kissed blossoms. PS: I used some acrylic in this study. My final will be bereft of this element (I hope!).


  1. I like the studies and look forward to seeing the full size watercolors. I am always very curious to see how artists like you work and so, thanks for the info :)

  2. I think this stands alone as a beautiful painting, David. Of course, I don't have the vision that you have, but I was awed by the detail and the spot on proportion. Of course, your description of angrily tossing a piece in the dumpster rides close to my own despair this morning.

  3. Autumn Leaves, Despair is easy with watercolor, but then you get over it and forge ahead. I suggest a vodka martini with two olives to facilitate the process.
