Thursday, October 22, 2009

Working on a biggie for the Sacramento Kings

The Sacramento King's attendance record last year was less than stellar (worst in the league :( ). This new NBA season, they are therefor doing more outreach programs. One of them is very cool, indeed. They are paying artists to paint billboard art that will be seen on the major commuting arteries around town. We're talking 12 feet by 45 feet! Most all are up now with some having been painted by graffiti artists. The Kings organization built large "easels" and had primed substrates at the arena for the artist's to work on. I came in on the tail end of the program to paint a 6 foot by 12 foot banner that will go up in the arena's parking lot early November. I had just enough room on the floor to paint in the comfort of my studio. I stand on a large piece of job file furniture to view the banner. I paint, listened to my sports music CDs titled "Jock Jams", and sometimes imbibe a few beers to get into the sport spirit. The only thing missing are arean hot dogs and nacho plates. Oh, and the Sacramento Kings Royal Court Dancers are not there to cheer me on... art is a lonely business. You can see my thumbnail sketch, NBA photo reference, and "palette" in the photo here. The Kings provided the gessoed vinyl banner to paint on. I'll have more photos in future posts. GO KINGS!


  1. I am about to paint my first banner. The town of Mt. Dora, FL is celebrating it's centennial in 2010. Artists are going to hang banners all over the town. The canvas came unprimed and so I have to gesso both sides myself before I start. UGH. And where? I guess out on my carport. Here in the Fl sun, it'll dry quickly. I have to do both sides. After I have turned in the completed banner, the committee will clear coat the banners with something to make them weather proof.
    Could you show your sketch in more detail? My banner will not be as big as's one of those elongated rectangles that hangs from light poles in towns. I have to Nov 30 to complete it. I can't wait to see yours in stages.

  2. Wow! Looks like a mission David! I can't wait to see the finished product!

  3. I'm participating in a small works show, also.

  4. Yes, Ginny, in my next post I'll show my initial sketch.

  5. Mission will soon be accomplished, Amber, and I shall soon post it. I need to get the damn hulking thing off the floor of my studio!

  6. Terry, Tell me more about it, please. You probably will on your site.

  7. A huge project for a huge talent! I can't imagine painting something that big, has to be a real bear to keep it straight in your mind....and not being able to step back from it makes it even tougher.
    I'm gonna be real impressed when you do the ceiling of the Garden or the Staples!
    Glad to learn that tel # wasn't a cruel hoax, you might have become "Locker Boy" to millions.

  8. Great talkin with you on the phone last Sunday! You have a sharp eye for tele #'s! I checked out the site you sent me but it's down right now. I'll have to check later.

  9. This looks devine. Brilliant, in fact.

  10. Thank you< Celeste. I still haven't seen it in any other position than on my studio floor!

  11. Thank you< Celeste. I still haven't seen it in any other position than on my studio floor!

  12. Great job, I bet your studio will feel empty when it's gone!
