Friday, October 16, 2009

I have NEVER thrown away my tubes of empty watercolor paints.

Why?, you ask. Because what could be fina in the state of Carolina than a tall glass vase of spent watercolor tubes?! I really, really want to thank everyone to date who responded to my plea for help in the previous post. I think all of you had good suggestions, even some of the more humorous ones. Dollars to donuts, I just may incorporate one or two. They are food for thought. Meanwhile, I have decided to let my painting be for awhile. I'll bide my time, the passage of which may be just what the doctor ordered before I make any decisions. Again, a BIG FAT THANK YOU to all!


  1. Awesome. I love it - it's an artwork in itself.

  2. Onpainting (Bill), Not without your help here.

  3. Hi Diane from down under. Yes, that's why I did it and still do it.

  4. Wow! Never thrown any of them away? Hmmm...

