Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Re-do of Hotel California

Two posts ago, I showed a an acrylic of The Capital Hotel ("Hotel California"). Last evening, I looked at it and felt the sky was way too yellow plus I needed fix the hotel sign, add some yellow trim to the awning, and work on some minor details in the top windows. Oh yes, I also worked on the hotel's neighboring building and minimized the lone right hand tree. I think its better now,


  1. Nice!! with a vertical vanishing point to boot. Show off :-)

    This facade doesn't get a late afternoon light, does it? I thought it faced east but I can't remember. I'm in search of long fire escape shadows in the afternoon in Sac. Know any?

  2. Terry, It faces south! Whether the setting sun is slightly behind the bldg., I don't know. Hmmm...let me know or I might check the situation out myself. Maybe we both could do a Miura on that fire escape!

  3. wonderful re-do. Now, thats a talent in itself ! How big is the painting?

  4. iSorry to see the "right before a tornado" greenish light gone. Beautiful painting either way. I also like the buildings tilting in.... movement in a static scene! A master of both figures and architecture, landscape and sea. Fantastic!

  5. This is very good painting. For a teacher you paint pretty well or is is good. Well, you are a painter not an English teacher.

  6. I like the redo. Just a personal preference. Feels fresher, crisper,...

  7. Mryna, I love dramatic perspective. This accentuates the feeling of looking up. I wanted a Sacramento summer sky and not the pre-tornado look. Not that I have to paint exactly what I see, but I felt in this case the yellow cast didn't fit in with the rest of the painting.

  8. Thanks Maria. Yes, it does feel crisper.

  9. Good or Well, who gives a shit, Bill (onpainting). Thanks.
