Monday, August 17, 2009

Challenge #2

Don't forget that the Self Portrait challenge #2 (your self portrait with something on your head) for the second go around on my "Self Portrait Global Love In" blog is due Sept. 12. If you missed Woodstock because you were too high to even know it was happening or you were too young or not born yet, here is your chance for another love in! Go to my second blog for details. Open to artists the world over except for Samoa (only kidding!!!...Samoan artist participation welcomed!!!!). The SP's with head gear will be posted shortly after the Sept. 12 due date. Peace and Love. * This is not me. I only have two eyes, but I posted it as a reminder for challenge numero dos and as an example of how you might push the envelope when doing your self portrait.


  1. ¡Wow, David....fantastic! I like very much this painting.....
    Thanks for showing it.



  2. Enrique, Thank you. You are a wonderful water color artist. I shall put you on my blog roll!.
