Thursday, February 26, 2009

I was in country

Yesterday morn., I arrived at a ranch outside Sacramento, set up my watercolor plein air equipment, and spent about 5 hours having a ball... except... when the junk yard looking ranch dog ran up to me barking and attempted to lick my h2o palette (he turned out to be friendly pooch but with an odd need to eat Schminke watercolor paint) and the panicky feeling I got when I heard thundering horses hooves and prepared to die in a stampede (all this noise made by one stinkin horse frolicking in the field behind me). I even heard a pleasant trotting sound, turned around, and saw a small carriage with a fringe on top go by! This is the 21st century for god's sake!


  1. Living in Indiana I see and paint lots of barns and silos, but I never saw a palm tree by any of them :)
    These are so freshly and excitingly painted. Nice use of color. You are very good at that. Bet you had a great day today! Thanks for sharing with us.

  2. That's too funny, Kathy. Yeah, guess you have no palm trees growing next to you barns @ silos in Indiana!

  3. Hi David,

    You are the consummate watercolourist.
    I marvel at your work. Yes. It's the 21st century, but some places are less so -- thank goodness!!!

    Take care,


  4. Okay! I am following, already!

    Everyone else should follow, too. I got my reasons, sho nuff!!

  5. Thanks, Barbara. These two are on the conservative side, but again, they are my first full blown en plein aire h2o efforts. I'll get better. Watch for my Turban Man h2os coming in March.

  6. We follow each other, Mike. Sure like your recent h2o work. You do like to inspiration!

  7. Hey Bro . . .you gonna sign on to follow mine? On second thot . . .am not sure your ugly mug would quite fit on my spiffy new template. ;-)

    When are we gonna get together again?

  8. Mile: I signed up and ya got my ugly mug...haah!! Get together?...let's give that some thought!

  9. Sure enjoy your blog and your adventures, David. I learn a lot here too. Looking forward to the next creative adventure.
