Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Follow my blog.

If you want to follow my blog, simply click on "Follow this blog" on the top right and just below my masthead. I'm not sure what the advantage is to you or to me for that matter! Now that I've added this widget, is there anyone out there who can tell me the pros and cons of it? I'm also on Facebook and am in the process of figuring out why! Hey, I'm 62!...it sometimes takes time to figure these things out. The photo is of me demonstrating an ink/wash sketch technique to my Sacramento City College summer plein air class.


  1. Wish I was there...for the nice warm sun and to share your knowledge. Send them both over.

  2. How would someone find you on facebook....i would like to join, but i am not sure why??!!??

    Is it an artist group???


  3. I have been following your blog for months. The advantage to you is more traffic on your blog, for the follower, an update on their dashboard automatically when you post. As for facebook, you're on your own, I signed up, created a "business page" which features my art, now what???

  4. Hi David,

    I already check out your blog daily, and it's great!

    Take care,


  5. I'm in a rather informative mood, so I'll talk the talk:p

    It spares your readers some time&effort.

    For example, I use Google Reader for for following the blogs I like.
    When there is no "follow this blog" link on a blog that I want to follow, I have to go to the Google Reader's homepage and add the URL of that blog to my subscriptions list. But when there is that link, I can simply click it for adding you.

    Besides, it may help you discover new people with similar interests even if they do not post comments. If sb is following your blog, then he likes what you're doing. Perhaps you will like what he/she is doing too.

  6. I already followed your blog, but I really like the convenience of a "Follow" button on the sidebar. When I find a blog I like and it doesn't have this I still cut and paste - but always with a little sigh as my computer is slow to do all of that.

    Plus, as Gogo said above - it's a great way to find other people with similar interests. I love to go through the list of followers (when I have the time) on Blogs I love and, since I know we have similar interests, see what other blogs they've discovered.

    Plus, I really like being able to 'see' so easily who is following my own blog.

    And don't feel bad - I'm in my 30s, but am new to this blogging thing and there's tons of it that I still don't understand!

  7. I think a lot of it, especially Facebook, is a popularity contest. He who has the most friends, wins. What do you win? Beats the hell out of me! I tried to avoid Facebook but found myself on it anyway. Now we can be friends! I'll have my people contact your people to set it up.

  8. Yea, but Kathy, this was during the summer. Was it 85 degree temp. or 105 temp? Our summer temps fall within that range, but never any high humidity, thank god!

  9. Annon: Facebook is an on line social networking group. Just go to Facebook. com and sign up.

  10. Carol: Thanks for the info.! I'm going to check out the difference between a reg. pg. and bus. pg.

  11. Angel: That makes me feel better. Thanks!

  12. Angel: That makes me feel better. Thanks!

  13. Myrna: Let's not jettison Facebook yet. I'm playing with it. If I find something valuable, my people will get to your people!

  14. Facebook, schmace-book! Whadda you know, fer cryin out loud? I gotta face book . . two of em, as matter of fact and all I get is peeps who wanna be friends.

    As for following . . .know this. I follow no one but you, big fella!! ;-)

  15. Mike: I'll give Facebook a little more time and then may jettison it. Love your cubist h2o's.

  16. ok- i'm in. No, Not Facebook as yet.. haven't got around to doing that yet.


  17. Silver: I think Facebook may be a waste of time. Thanks for checking out my stuff.

  18. I did Facebook for a while and then jettisoned it, as you all put it. I am also avoiding Twitter like pig flu. Blogging, however, I'm loving.
