Friday, July 25, 2008

Is it sticky? Is it more like oil than acrylic?

I have little experience with oil. Is it sticky like water base oil? I dunno. Is it more like oil than acrylic? Yes and no...yes it stays wet and brushable for for several hours if you use it somewhat thickly. I haven't tried thin yet. No, when it's dry, it looks like acrylic - kinda flat unless you paint with a gloss medium or brush on a gloss varnish after you have completed your masterpiece. Bottom line, it probably will not satisfy you oil painters. You acrylicers out there?... oh boy and hot tamales! can now plein air in breezy and warm weather without your paint crusting over. Now that's awfully snazzy indeed. But don't take my word for it. Go out and try Golden Open yourself. I'll be out there again with the park lawn sprinklers going on as I paint, with the gnats mosquitoes and flies, with the skunks, curious lookiloos, f--king painting umbrella, and lord knows what other distractions to continue and learn about this new product. Kinda fun!


  1. David, I have seen your comments all over the place and finaly took the time to stop by....So glad I did! Your work is excellent and I appreciate your teaching spirit...I also learned how to link stuff!!....pretty cool, Thanks David!

  2. Thank you for sharing your observations. It helped. This painting doesn't seem "flat" at all because it's acrylic. The light in the sky is very engaging and the contrasts are just right. But then, I love acrylic too. The fact that you can now take these out and they'll behave gives you and others more options. Looking forward to more!

  3. Hey Robin, we learned to link! One small step for us, one giant leap for mankind...or am I exaggerating? I remember going to your blog about a year ago then you went off my scope. That was unfortunate, because you do some really nice work. In fact I gotta put you in my Fav. Links section.

  4. Thanks Melinda. I think I'm also going to try a portrait in Golden Open and of course more landscapes.

  5. Well, however you painted it, it came out well.

    I looked at Terry's work - a very good painter.

    I think you should leave your comfort zone and paint on the streets of Carmel. I can feel the vibes of many paintings sold.

  6. Onpainting: With the good karma you are sending my way, I just may have a go on a busy urban street...gulp!

  7. Ola Patricio: Muchas gracias! I found your blogs very exciting. I only wish that I could speak spanish!
