Thursday, July 24, 2008

I can't Believe It!!

Golden Acrylics has come out with a new product that to believe it you need to try it! It's just been launched into the art stores this month and is called "Golden Open". It paints like oils. I haven't measured the drying time, but yesterday when I tested Golden Open en plein air, not only did it not crust over on my stay wet palette, it took at least 6 to 8 hours to dry! I put several of my starts in the hot sun...wouldn't dry (I was out in the morning and put the paintings in the sun close to noon - temperature in the direct sun about 90 degrees). They glistened like oil paintings and even some gnats stuck to them like oil paintings. Pretty cool product. For my studio painting, I most likely will stay with standard fast drying acrylic, but for plein air painting, especially on breezy and warm days, nothing beats Golden Open. I know that Atlier makes a slow drying acrylic paint, but it seems a way too complicated system. Golden Open can be used right out of the tube. So all you acrylicers, run out and try this product! The first painting is on a 12"X12" gessoed masonite board and the second is on a 6"X8" canvas board. Both paintings are views of rice silos across the Sacramento River. The larger view has a little bit of Hwy. 50 bridge spanning the river.


  1. Cool-sounding new product. I like your painting.


  2. Is this paint "sticky"? I tried using water soluble oils on a trip a few years ago, and the paint just didn't flow like regular oil. It was to thick.

  3. Hey Paz? You up and running again on the streets?

  4. Ed, in a word(s), I don't know. I've not enough experience with reg. or h2o oil to know shit about sticky. It seemed smooth enough to me. I was blown away with how long I could work it. With plain old acrylic, I wear out brushes moving it around. Probably should use more medium. Sorry. Buy a tube and check it out.

  5. I forgot, Ed, there is also a Golden Open medium that I'm sure would prevent any stickiness. I personally should use medium a little more than I currently do.

  6. David- when I saw your title heading, I already knew you had a Eureka moment! But seeing the paintings really confirmed the process. They're terrific and you couldn't tell it wasn't oil.
    Of course, you achieve that with regular acrylic so maybe that's not quantitative enough.

    Do I assume from the photo of the tubes that you bought limited colors?

    How do you get those light neutrals without them getting pasty looking from too much white?

    If I hadn't just bought many tubes of oils to once and for all quell my curiosity, I'd have ordered some of these too.
    I'll live through your work and experiment with oils for a while.

    I'm glad your expectations were more than met.

    Great to know you can work outside now.

  7. Now that is neat. I am an oils kinda gal. When I get some dollars, I think I will give this a try.
    This bloggy world sure keeps an artist up to date on the latest.

  8. hey david. i go away for a while and you've become the center of the blogsphere, eh? good readin', your blog!!
    i haven't been out much at all, but please keep me on your paint out announcements. I'll make it one of these days. (now that i'll have a leeetle more free time, i'm hopeful)

  9. Wow, that does sound grand! I'm curious about these new Goldens. Does your painting have the same look as your previous acrylics? Or, would you now say they are more like oils? It's always a red letter day when one gets new art supplies...

  10. Bonnie: Yes, I often limit myself when painting outside to cadmium. yellow, cad. yellow medium, cad. red, cad, red med., burnt sienna, thalo blue, cobalt blue, black, and of course titanium white. Check out my latest post, comrade.

  11. Amy: Yes the blogisphere is a handy device for sharing. Let me know what you think of the product if you ever try it.

  12. Hey Terry! Yea, I hope you can make it out with us one of these fine en plein air days. Maybe some of your expertise will rub off on me? Not! I just have to keep plugging away. I'm glad Patrice is keeping your old space running, I just hope she can handle such a big load! She's does have smarts and energy! Sounds like you are on the track you need to be on. As the saying goes, different strokes for different folks. Thanks for stopping by.

  13. Melinda: Go to my latest post, and I think your questions may be answered. Yep... it's a red letter day when you have new toys to play with! Thanks so much for reading some of my ramblings and viewing some of my efforts.

  14. Thanks for the info, David. Might give these a try next time I head outdoors.
