Sunday, June 1, 2008

My Day Was Made in a New York Minute by my blog friend in St. Croix

Today I received a "You Make My Day" award from a fellow acrylic artist in Saint Croix (Virgin Islands?) who got one from a blogster in New York City from whom I got a N.Y. pigeon photo about a month ago (before I even was aware of the St. Croix artist's blog!) that I used as a reference photo for my Sacramento City acrylic and oil painting class to paint from. Small blog world! I post my award here as well as the Pigeon photograph that I knew would make a swell painting assignment. Tomorrow I will post my acrylic rendering that I did along with my students.
Thank You Bonnie Luria for the award (she is on my blog roll. Check her out, especially the view from her balcony!!!!!).
The pigeon photo is from a wonderful blog called Pazs' New York Minute. Wonderful ruminations on life and the city and a pigeon or two!
It's June 3 now and I'm posting the New York City pigeon I painted from the Pigeon reference photo I "stole" from Pazs' New York Minute. The class assignment stricture was that the background had to be white. My students grumbled about that, but when you are a college professor, you are a mighty tin horn god and you must be obeyed! What flummoxed (like that word?!)
my students was the observational intensity in rendering the back feathers from the bird's shoulder on down towards the tail.
After I tolded them I was going to flunk their sorry asses if they didn't do a good job on EACH AND EVERY ONE of the feathers, they buckled down and did admirable paintings! You may have noticed that my painting has very hard shadows under the individual feathers and all the feathers have not been rendered, but remember and NEVER EVER FORGET that I'm the professor, and my work is beyond reproach!!!!!


  1. I think there's another thread of Frank Gardner in between all of us too. Certainly another favorite.

    Looking forward to seeing the pigeon painting. And everything else you do.

    And yes- St. Croix is one of the three US Virgin Islands. Same everything as the US: Postal, money, laws, or lack of, and politics ( or monkey business ).

  2. Oh, wow! What a small blog world indeed. This is really cool! I will see this particular pigeon tomorrow morning. When I tell him that he has become a model for a painting, I know his chest will puff up with pride. It's very nice to find your blog, courtesy of Bonnie. Congrats on your award!


  3. Bonnie: My geographic knowledge is not dead!

  4. Paz: Say a big California "hello!" for me.

  5. LOL! Yes, the professor's work is beyond reproach. ;-) Wonderful painting. How interesting that you asked for a white background. Any particular reason? I know nothing about painting/art, so I'm asking. I can imagine your students did a wonderful job with their paintings as well. Very cool!


  6. David- aka Mr. Tin Horn God ( I LIKE that !)
    I really like how you added that bright blue to lighten the birds' back, rather than adding more white .
    It's a great painting- I had to look twice to see if it was really a painting.
    It's not that it's photo-real, it's just so alive!

  7. Beautiful interpretation of the photo. A much more interesting bird.

  8. Paz: I wanted my students to concentrate on the beautiful pigeon and NOT BE DISTRACTED by painting a background color even though the background color is quite nice in your photo. I love how it is reflected somehow in Mr. (or Mrs.) Pigeon's feathers. Pigeons are NOT flying rats, and your pigeon studies are great!

  9. Why, thank you Bonnie! I take it there are no pigeons on your beautiful island. Maybe parrots?

  10. Onpainting: Thanks you two (or one). Ever try to type with a cat on your lap?

  11. I like the bird a lot, reminds me a bit of something Skip Lawrence might do. Made my day!

  12. Nick: I gotta google Skip Lawrence. Always a pleasure getting a comment from a talented musician/artist.

  13. Nick again: Just went to Skip's site... dig him!! I'm going to keep an eye on that guy. Thanks for turning me on to him!

  14. i liked reading your blog. you don't take yourself or life too serious it seems.

  15. Thanks Mary. Humor coarses through the Lobenberg gene pool. Check out Onpainting blog for more humor. It's in my Fav. Links.
