Sunday, June 1, 2008

Comments PLEASE

Yea, I know that my sign reads backwards. When I take a snap in my IMac Camera Booth, I need to remember to paint the words backwards for it to read right on the posted photo. Technicalities! Can you go, dear reader to my May 15th post ("On The Delta") to let me know if I made a smooth move or not in adjusting my acrylic so that I have a little more push/pull? I show the origional painting and the latest iteration.
A thousand and one thank yous and may the wind always be to ya back!


  1. Aren't you just "fishing " for compliments? :-)
    But , yest, you've given a little more zest to the already tasty.
    yppaH yadnuS.

  2. Comment #2 for the day- I've left you " A You Make My Day Award " on my blog.
    Go have a look and know that you and your blog do make my day.

  3. Ok, I love your paintings, but the wild creature eyes peering over the placards are freakin' me out, Man. Anyone who can paint like you can't be all bad, so I'll be back...

  4. Howdy Susan. I was offended with your reaction to my photo until I looked at it again...good gawd that's scary!

  5. Bonnie: You made my day...thank you!...and here's an interesting tidbit - Last month, I discovered Pazs N.Y.M blog on another artist's blog roll. I went to N.Y.M and found a pigeon photo that I fell in love with. I was taken with the coloration so much that I assigned my acrylic/oil painting class to paint it from prints I made off the blog! They were having a difficult time painting the feathers so I painted the pigeon on a 24"X39" canvas to give them an idea how to do it. It came out great and Monday I will post it along with this photo from Pazs New York Minute. Small blog world we are in!!!

  6. That's so wonderful and because I know exactly what you mean, you'll now understand the name of my blog as St. Croix-nicity.
    This seems to happen more and more as the tentacles reach out in this world of blogging.
    Two degrees of separation!

    I enjoy Pazs' photos in a shot glass. Well, that's how I refer to the mini-dose of my former home.

    Thanks for your generous mention here ( I know so many people read your blog and can see why ).
    Can't wait to see your pigeon painting.

  7. David, I'm just a rank amateur who loves your work, but I do have a comment on the river scenes. I prefer the bottom version. There is more contrast and the stronger light source from low on the right definitely gives me the feeling of morning on the river.

    If you were inspired by the pigeon, you'd love the feathers on Rudy Patoodeh, my backyard peacock. You already use several of his glorious shades of blue.

    Jan James

  8. Anonymous: You are right, I painted some peacock blues in the river. Give my regards to Rudy, and thanks for your thoughts!

  9. i like the 'pop' of the bottom version. actually, i love it!

  10. Thanks Holly. The gallery owner who shows my work thought the first iteration was too flat so that's why the re-work. I'm glad you think it pops!
