Saturday, August 23, 2014

Doing my California Vibe Watercolor thing in Beautiful Bend, Oregon

This month, I conducted my 5 day-long California Vibe Watercolor Portraiture workshop in absolutely beautiful Bend, Oregon under the incredible auspices of Art In The Mountains. The first photo shows me with my workshop students. They worked very hard and rewarded themselves with some excellent CA Vibe watercolor portraits. Following the group shot is yours truly mugging it up in front of the AITM art trailer and a sampling of a few artists with their creations. The last photo is me mugging again (sorry) in the viewing mirror above my demonstration table and just before my first demo. on the first day of the workshop.


  1. Very impressive student work! And you all looks so very happy. Thank you for sharing

  2. It's clear that you are the best kind of teacher -- inspiring and fun. Great photos and wonderful work.

    Your fan in West Wallace Bridge, Nova Scotia, Canada.

  3. Excelentes trabajos, estaras muy orgulloso de tus alumnos...

    un saludo

  4. Sarabel - Gracious por su comentario!
