Sunday, June 29, 2014

This quarter sheet (on 140lb. cold press watercolor paper) selfie graphite drawing got accidentally splattered with paint while I was doing another watercolor piece. I put it aside for several weeks, and just yesterday decided to work on it with some left over colors on my palette. I layed down some big washes with a four inch wide brush both wet-on-wet and wet-on-dry. Then I started adding facial detail with round brushes.. After the facial details dried, I masked out a few shapes with painter's (house painters) masking tap and pulled off paint in those areas with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Finally a little more  detailing
and voila! Fini.


  1. Hi David,

    I hope this goes through. I love your process, and what an amazing portrait of one of my all time favorite artists.

    So fingers crossed I send this off. And wish I could get on a plane and tell you in person -- You rock!



    Your biggest fan in the

  2. your portrait delightful! i always learn so much from the w-i-ps that you post! I am grateful for all that you share so freely-Thank you!

  3. Barbara - Did I tell you that in the Sept. issue of "The Art Of Watercolour" magazine. there will be a 3 page article on my self portraiture work? I'll be posting it on Facebbook and this blog when the time comes.A big ciao back to you in!

  4. Howdy Meera. Thank you and my pleasure. We all inspire each other to get better.
