Thursday, July 18, 2013

Three Star Students, Three 11 by 15 inch Watercolor Portraits

These are three star art students that attended my spring semester studio class at Sacramento City College. Which watercolor rendering of them one might be your favorite?? One, of these photos may become one of my multiple references for a five day watercolor portrait workshop I'm conducting for the Santa Clara Valley Watercolor Society (San Jose, California) this August 12 through 16. I'm really looking forward to this one as well as being very excited to have been signed up to teach the same workshop next August, 2014 in Bend, Oregon for Art in the Mountains (Aug. 11-15), and a three day watercolor portrait workshop next March (dates to soon be determined), 2014 in Salt Lake City, Utah for Colleen Reynolds (CRB Endeavors). Over the past year or two and through this blog, my Facebook page, a local PBS arts interview program, my recent workshops in northern California, Nevada, and Washington, and my "Portraiture In Payne's Gray" DVD, I am building a reputation as a go-to watercolor portrait instructor and am expanding this part of my profession. I'm planning to teach more out-of-state watercolor portrait workshops in 20014 and beyond. If any you who are reading this have any suggestions of an arts organization that would like to explore the idea of scheduling a three to five day portraiture workshop, please contact me via this blog or call my studio (Studio L) at 916-737-2311


  1. Awesome love the use of color!

  2. Thanks, Mary. I work from black and white reference photos so as NOT to be influenced by color. So that I must invent and play with color.

  3. looks like you might have done that before, nice work Professor L.

    This Scot Black just incase i mess up again singing in

  4. Howdy Scot B.!! Good to hear from you.
