Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I'm teaching a five day watercolor portrait workshop!

Kind of excited about this watercolor portraiture workshop coming up at the end of summer. It will be happening from August 12th through the 16th . . . five days! It is offered under the auspises of
The Santa Clara Watercolor Society, and I am so honored that they invited me to conduct it. We will thoroughly explore portraiture in mono-color, natural color, and expressionistic color. My style is bold and loose, and has been described as watercolor portraiture with a "California vibe". I will demonstrate how to take and work off of photographs as well as live studies. Here are some examples of my work.


  1. I love the way you handle color. The personality it creates for the subject is like a painting within a painting. Great work.

  2. Wish I could be there to take your workshop! I love the portraits--each one uniquely expressive, but all with such beautiful light and color.
