Sunday, April 21, 2013

That Lovely Country Road

I painted this bucolic scene over the weekend while teaching a private watercolor class at my studio (Studio L). It was painted on 140 lb. Arches cold press paper, quarter sheet. Next week, I will have a watercolorist flying in from Texas to learn the ins and outs of watercolor portraiture painting. She is also purchasing my DVD "Portraiture In Payne's Gray" recommended by international watercolor artist Nicholas Simmons. It runs an hour fifteen minutes and includes the photo reference that I painted from. The DVD sells for 50.00 plus $5.00 for shipping. If you want to purchase a copy, contact me at: Enjoy these progressive views of "That Lovely Country Road",


  1. It is indeed a lovely country road. Just beautiful.

  2. Love it. A very happy picture. Can I get 10 points?

  3. Chris who? No 10 points until I find out. In fact, until I find out - minus 200 points!!
