Monday, March 18, 2013

Check out my mini PBS, Channel 6 interview - Go to Wait for the gray search bar to come up under the site header. Click on "Video". On the video page, click the video options under "Local Interest". This week, at least, you will see my interview titled "Rob On The Road/local artist interviews" or simple type in my name in the video search box. I am the second artist that Rob interviews. Its all done in my studio: Studio L. Enjoy, and let me know what you think of it. Just in case, here is the link.


  1. Fantastic interview, congrats, and thanks for sharing it with us. :)

  2. Loved the opportunity to see you in person, David. Now, I really want to come to Sac and take a workshop with you.
    I do wish the interviewer had spent a bit more time on how you capture light and show it's luminosity in your work.

  3. Thank you for viewing Celia and Deb!

  4. Thanks Mike. Yes and alas, it was just a short interview but excellent PR for me. Hey, could there be an art group that would want to invite me to come up to your neck of the woods to teach a workshop. Last Aug. i did a three day workshop for the Peninsular Art Society in Gig Harbor, Wash.

  5. Fun to see you being interviewed! Hope it brought lots of interest for your workshops and classes.

  6. Thanks for checking it out Myrna! Every little bit of PR like this is important.

  7. Hoping to see the Lobenberg Channel on my cable lineup
