Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Got Blubber?

An eight inch by ten inch watercolor painting of a P.B. on ice in my Wednesday (two weeks ago) watercolor class at my studio. I added the sketchy graphite lines AFTER I finished painting the bear. Gives the watercolor more energy. What do you think, dear reader?


  1. Again, alive with color. A "gray" elephant and a "white" bear don't really need to suffer from lack of color. The eyes and heart have no trouble accepting it.
    Hmm, I'm waxing poetic now.

  2. Hi David, I think it's interesting that you added the graphite lines after you painted with watercolor. I read once that Cezanne felt free to add graphite lines whenever he felt like it during a paintings development. When I was first learning to paint with watercolor, I was taught to ONLY draw with graphite first. I think it's liberating that you draw as fits your needs.

    I do like the energy and personality of your line work.

  3. Peggy, Graphite first, graphite middle, graphite last . . . who gives a f--k!! :-)

  4. very cool and kool, with the right amount of warm..perfect piece, David!
