Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A little drawing never hurts.

Drawing from life is the best way to see a heck of a lot deeper than one normally does. You are drawing for god's sake! You need to see those contours, shapes, values, hues, angles, and proportions otherwise those details are simply lost. Bottom line . . .  exercise your visual perception, and you will paint better. I like that since I paint in both acrylic and watercolor. I teach drawing and painting at the college level and in my many workshops here in California and out of state. I present to you a quick charcoal gesture (the things at the end of the figure's upraised arm are charcoal sticks), a more detailed rendered nude in lovely charcoal as well as a very jazzified line and ink wash of my left hand (I call my left hand "Handsome Hand"), and a student busily toiling his easel (also done with ink and wash). All four are from life. I was going through some of my drawing files and thought these might amuse you. You are amused, I hope??


  1. Very pleased to see more of your drawings, but then I knew you could draw - you wouldn't be able to paint the way you can without having a good foundation in drawing.

  2. Me gustan todos.......en especial la mano.......

    el desnudo tambien me gusta....

    un saludo

  3. David -- I am amused and delighted.
    Love your work -- drawings, paintings. You name it. Plus you're a funny writer. How rare is that?



  4. Rhonda, yes . . . exactly my contention. Drawing makes for a solid foundation. I'm preaching to the choir here.

  5. Sarabel, I don't speak spainish, but I checked out your blog and wish I did!

  6. Barbara (champaign swilling),Muir,
    You forgot! . . . I'm also a pagan.

  7. DAVID, my english is terrible...jajajajaja

    utilizo el traductor google....para entender su blog, creo que mi blog tiene traductor, un saludo

  8. hi david, those are very nice drawings. i was wondering why i could not do painting, i still find it difficult, know i got the secret. foundation in drawings. thanks for this info. love to check your blog. its fun and infomatic.
