Sunday, May 20, 2012

Who is this young flasher?


  1. Baby David Lobenberg? Or David Lobenberg's baby. I say it's the first thought.



  2. Holy Nikon F! That's me, circa 1970! You are correctomundo, Barbara! i was just reaquanted with a long lost friend via Facebook (of course!!), and that was a photo he found in his archive. We were on a road trip that yr. Gasoline had just jumped to about 70 CENTS a gallon.

  3. You crack me up every time. The thing is that lovely face is easily recognizable. As a long time fan of your work and blog, I have looked at your face a lot. Plus, that is what I do --look at faces.

    You have a great one.



  4. Barbara, Yeah, by gum, you ARE the face person! On another note, who is that fella behind me with the chain saw!

  5. He sorta looks like a model for Lego-Lumberjack! Yikes!
    Hey - I don't know if you ever go back into your own archives, but I left a comment at your post about Brewster ( last month - have you seen it?
    And I really, *really* appreciate your detailed step-by-step posts.

    Happy first-Monday-of-Summer Monday!

  6. Hi Karen! That young Lobenberg WAS flashing. He loved his new Nikon camera. Compared to my tiny digital camera, it was big and heavy with solid metal parts . . . some of them were brass! Those were the days . . . when giant lumberjacks roamed the earth!!!
