Monday, March 26, 2012

The Foundation of Painting

This young gentleman was one of my drawing students at Sacramento City College, and these photos* show the progress of my watercolor painting of him. It's not finished yet. I shall post the finish some time in April. As you can see, I primarily worked from dark to light controlling my light, dark, and mid values VERY, VERY carefully. This comes from years of painting and lots of studies in monotone only. My favorite monotone color is Winsor and Newton's Payne's Gray. Color IS value, but if you cannot control value, I firmly believe that you cannot master representational painting. I've  just completed a one hour, fifteen minute DVD on this subject. It will be ready for purchase in April. I welcome your comments on my color portrait to date and any interest you may have concerning purchasing "Portraiture In Payne's Gray".
*photos graciously provided by one of my workshop students


  1. David, I truly enjoyed viewing your steps in the portrait. I am always amazed watching a portrait be created in this way. Thank you!

  2. Another beautiful portrait, David. I like seeing your start with the gorgeously colorful shadow shapes first. I definitely want to see that DVD when it comes out :)

  3. neat w-i-p! The more I paint the more I see the light in the wisdom of knowing and controlling values! Beautiful progression in your painting-look forward to seeing the finished piece!

  4. Your talent is amazing and so inspiring for a novice artist like myself. I appreciate that you share tips. I will purchasing your book.
