Friday, February 17, 2012

Eucalyptus Road and Aspen Lane

These are two 11 inch by 14 inch watercolor paintings I recently did for my watercolor class at The School of Light and Color in Fair Oaks Village, California.  'Eucalyptus Road  ' has a soft early morning- like atmosphere while "Aspen Lane" has a more hard edge, crisp feel. So why this difference?

I used masking liquid to protect the tree trunks on the aspen as I was freely painting in the warm, Fall foliage. No masking was used on the eucalyptus trees, and I had to work carefully around the tree trunks. I also did my best to soften the edges of the foliage so that it blended in slightly with the sky. I think this helped to create a more diffused and softer early morning feel.


  1. These are so nice. I love the details on the trunks of the lower painting and all the little details of color on the road of both of them.

  2. Both beautiful! I appreciate the tip on the hard and soft technique/appearance.

  3. Lisa, Thanks, Those foreground spatters not only provide a nice textural element to the roads but aid in giving the painting a greater sense of depth.

  4. You're welcomed, Studio on the Farm. Now get back to milking the cows! :-) On the other hand, maybe you need to get back to your painting.

  5. I like the airy light filled look of both--even when the 2nd one looks like path is leading into deep woods :) wonderful subtle details too!

  6. Hi David,

    Both are fantastic paintings but for me Aspen Lane knocks it out of the park. I can't explain why -- maybe colour, contrast.

    They are both exquisite. You are a super painter.


