Friday, November 4, 2011

One of my drawing students in splendid grey tones!

This young lady is in my college drawing class that I'm teaching this semester. I photographed her out doors in a wonderful dappled late afternoon light. My watercolor of her was painted using the photo as reference. It was painted on cold press rough 140lb watercolor paper. This is my first study. I am about 70% happy with it, but I want to enjoy 100% happiness!. The future bodes, therefor, another study, and most likely on cold press regular. I hope you enjoy seeing this watercolor in progress.


  1. oh yes, enjoyed it very much so..fabulous piece!!

  2. It's wonderful, David, so can't wait to see version two (I was surprised you painted a portrait on rough paper - I think most portrait artists use cold press or even hot press?). Maybe you wanted the challenge! Anyway, I love your monochrome portraits and they remind me that it's all about the values (and that I should be doing this more often instead of playing with colors all the time).

  3. Rhonda, Actually most all of my watercolor portraits are painted on 140lb cold press.

  4. Absolutely gorgeous! As the subject's sister I may be slightly biased, but you really did capture her beautifully. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Super work.

    Your fan in Toronto,


  6. Thank you Sree. And thanks for visiting my blog!
