Sunday, September 4, 2011

BOLD AND LOOSE...time to get into more watercolor art

I am having an almost-65-years-of-age crises. What to do with the rest of my life? My first medium and love is watercolor... bold, free, brash, loose, flowing, indicating without over defining. A decision has been made!...more watercoloring. I certainly will still be doing acrylic, because I really enjoy the medium, but watercolor will dominate. These past portraits and abstract of mine are examples of what I am trying to explain here, and the black and white London drawing by Australian artist Wayne Roberts serves as an inspiration for me. We all inspire each other. So there you go. I'm off and running. Wish me bon voyage and wave me good-bye!


  1. ooh heavens,, you scared me there for a minute ,,,I thought you were going to say you will STOP painting or something...omg!! You are an inspiration to us all....keep em coming by all means!!!

  2. All of them are splendid, David. Welcome to my world....60 and wondering what to do with the rest of my life...LOL. Enjoying the watercolors and sometimes acrylics. Just realized my style is austere, and I always suspected minimalist. Perhaps tomorrow it will be something else. One day at a time!

  3. Muy buenos trabajos.Bravo.

    Desde Argentina, Liliana te saluda.

  4. Looks like we are all boomers, and rediscovering things. Watercolor has so much life to it, vitality, it glows. You do wonderful watercolor, including these portraits, colors abound, unexpected. In the studio I now keep 3 stations going, watercolor, acrylic and oil. It keeps the brushes from getting mixed. Freedom of choice!

  5. Well Happy Birthday in advance, but decisions, decisions. What feels momentous may be a phase. Give yourself a break. Someone said it well to me, "You're not a watercolourist, or acrylic painter, you're an artist." Watch out! You may even try oil, or conté, or pastel, or lino, or sculpture. But I love this momentous moments, because something wonderful always happens when we pronounce.

    Your friend in Toronto,


  6. Cynthia, I'm not stopping. I'm continuing keeping on. and I'm glad that I can sometimes inspire you! I will certainly keep em coming.

  7. Carol, day at a time and enjoy the days.

  8. Liliana, Muy gracias. Love your face stones.

  9. Dianne, Tonight, I'm working at my acrylic station and tomorrow I'll be at my watercolor station. I'll just be putting more hours into the watercolor station. I can't quite bring myself to open up an oil station... so... its just two for me to keep my brushes from getting mixed up!

  10. Well damn, Barbara, if what you wrote ain't the truth! Yep, I'm really happy to have pronounced and will not least not in the near term, and "the near term" I shall not define. So there!

  11. Remember - 60 is the new 40!!! And you can do anything you want - when you grow up! I enjoy your posts - so whatever you do, just keep on painting - in any medium you want!
    (my word verification is "mundy" - as in CW? Maybe that's a hint for you!!!)

  12. Deb, I'm too, too dense...what's the hint? By the way, I feel better now that I'm "40", and as such, I shall keep the art coming. You keep your art comming too.

  13. CW Mundy - oil painter - thought maybe that was a computer Freudian suggestion that you work in oil - I thought I was being clever!!! Oh well, I'm only 40 after all . . .
