Thursday, September 1, 2011

Back to them

I started a group of grape acrylic paintings way back in March, and they have been languishing in my studio ever since. Well, I'm back at them, and this is one of the first that is on the way to completion. It's about 90% done but needs some more refining. I wanted to post it, however, to get some feedback from my readers. Look at it with cold, hard eyes and proffer your opinion or suggestions. A million and one thanks in advance! SECOND DAY - Some good advice everybody - THANKS - here's more work that I did today (the top photo).


  1. Hi David,
    In my humble opinion, I would like to see the bunch on the left closer, or larger. I think the refinements in the grapes closer to the viewer would add much interest.

  2. It has all the elements and principles of good design. It has good color harmony with an unequal balance of darks, middle and light values. It has good unity and balance too. However, I do agree with David that the bunch on the left needs to be a little larger to create more perspective. Nice painting.

  3. It's amazing how you got the sunlight coming through the grapes. The ones on the right sort of meld in the "dazzle" but it seems they might need to be softened or blurred a bit, the way the sun's glare can make edges indistinct. Or am I on the wrong track?

  4. Absolute super palette, David. I love the sense of translucence in the grapes from the light source. I can't criticize this much, but I do think the light is a tad too glaring (it almost hurts my eyes on the monitor) but that could just be me and having tired old eyes this a.m.

  5. Wonderful greens and I love the grapes but I would add a touch more red/orange to the bunch that already has a hint of reds in it as well as toss a splash or two of red/orange into the background as when there is that much light as you show here it makes me long for warmer areas near the sun drenched grapes in well as soften some of the grapes edges in the periphery.

  6. David,

    My cold, hard eyes are enchanted. Loved the waves too.

    Happy September from


  7. Bill, Yep, those foreground grapes need more refining. Thanks.

  8. Dharmesh, Thanks for weighing in on this. I appreciate it.

  9. Watercolorist (Jean), Thanks. The foreground grapes are going to grow in size.

  10. Dianne, You are definitely NOT on the wrong track. I'll work on the edges. Thanks.

  11. Autumn, I don't think its your "old" eyes. I may soften the glare a bit.

  12. Cynthia, Yep, more warmth sprinkled about. Thanks.

  13. Barbara, Thanks, I love the waves too, but these grapes are a challenge. Stay tuned to see the struggle. Guess no pain, no gain.

  14. Juicy gorgeous grapes !! I like the transformation but I do miss some of the blue green leaves you had in the first painting and some of the light on the grapes that made it look beautiful translucent...

  15. Meera, still struggling with this painting!
