Monday, July 11, 2011

Watch he comes!

My talented, fellow art buddy, Mike Bailey, president of the National Watercolor Society and workshop teacher who is always painting up a storm in his hometown of Santa Cruz, Calif., will be coming to my fair city of Sacramento, Calif. to teach a five day watercolor workshop! The workshop is titled "Watercolor Beyond the Obvious". The venue will be University Art (one of my workshop stomping grounds) here in Sacramento. The dates are August 15-19. Email Marleen Merchant at or call her at 916-354-2832 to register or get more info. Marleen informs me that there are a few spots left. Mike came to my Sacramento City College class not too long ago, and did an extremely informative and super dynamic watercolor demo that my class just ate up! I don't often promote people on my blog, but believe me, I make this dude an exception! Check out his blog. By the way, that's Mike on the right with nationally renowned watercolor artists, Nick Simmons (left) and Ted Nuttall (center).


  1. This workshop is all because of that class and I thank you David for helping us to make this class a success for Mike. We expect to see you around a least one day to share the fun. You and Mike were a dynamic duo painting that truck of yours. Thanks!

  2. Thanks a million, Dave, for the kind words and the plug. I will be sure to offer the same to you when you decide you want to come teach in the Bay Area.

    Really looking forward to seeing you!


  3. would be having a gala time, for sure!
