Friday, May 20, 2011

A portrait in progress

At University Art in Sacramento, I teach a two hour acrylic painting class two Thursdays per month. Our current project is to paint a portrait from a reference photograph. This is the progression of my drawing done with an 1/8 inch wide flat brush. I have just started to paint in some values here to bring out volume. When we meet next, my students will learn how to mix flesh colors/ tones, and we will paint those over our initial mono-toned rendering. I'll be posting that stage in about two weeks. On that post, you will see that this young woman is wearing a beret. She reminds me of a World War II French resistance fighter. She is actually one of my drawing students at Sacramento City College which by the way is shrinking down to nothing with the miserable state of California's economy. I'm not sure I will even have a teaching gig there by Spring semester of 2012.


  1. My state shares your economy woes, David. This is coming along beautifully.

  2. Interesting post, thanks for sharing the process.

    I think it's interesting that you start by painting in blue. Does it show in the final pic?

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  4. Sue, I just picked that color randomly. Sometimes a few hints of my initial drawing shows through and if I like it, I keep it. Most of the time, however, it gets painted over.

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