Thursday, April 21, 2011

Point Of View

So many points of view and so little time!! If you are going to paint something, thoroughly determine an exciting point of view. It is amazing how many you can find if you are diligent at searching them out.


  1. David, how obvious! I take photos like this but never thought of this view as a painting composition! Thank you.

  2. It takes height and at the same time we feel very small. I also love this kind of fresh perspective.

  3. I have to agree with you, David. I love when I see a unique point of view in a painting. Brings a whole 'nother' level of interest! This is so exquisite with its colors and such a perfect pov.

  4. It seems very original perspective used in this landscape. The colors are very vibrant and fresh.

    Greetings from Bilbao

  5. This is a fantastic viewpoint for painting a tree - and I just love the red leaves against the blue sky and the dappled shadows on the trunks. Wonderful!! :0)

  6. Lydie, Yes, we all want to look for "fresh" perspectives!

  7. Autumn, I always like to find a different POV!

  8. Montse, This is a New England Fall scene. The colors are always fantastic!

  9. Sandra, yes, the light dappling (aside from the colors) was a draw for me (no pun intended!).

  10. From any point of view your paintings are awesome. This one is no exception. But I like the tip too. Okay. I am going to try to see things differently.

    Your friend in Toronto,


  11. Barbara, we are getting tips from each other, I believe.
    My tip from you (or maybe it is inspiration from you) is to take a different point of view with color when painting portraits. I also get tips from Jennifer Balkan, an artist in Texas...they get weird in Texas!
