Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Jazz Giants from Ye Old Lobenberg Watercolor Archive

Can you name all four?


  1. Hmmmmmm
    Aretha Flanklin

    Louis Armstrong

    Nat King Cole

    Charlie Parker

    Maybe I am right, maybe I am wrong :D But your paintings are absolutely awesome!!!

  2. I would have guessed Etta James for the top and am completely lost on the others. I have to say, David, that your watercolor portraits are absolutely amazingly stunning. Oh to have some of this talent!

  3. If I name them all correctly do I get to keep them:) They look marvelous...I can hear their wonderful music too!

  4. Judy, Armstrong, yes. Nat, Charlie, Aretha, no. No cigar, but I am happy you like my watercolors of these jazz giants.

  5. Autumn, No Etta here. I'll give the names in my next post.

  6. Cynthia, my largess does have its bounds, so the answer is no, but I do appreciate your comment a lot!

  7. Billy Holiday,
    Sachmo or Armstrong,
    Not sure on last 2.

    Love the paintings though!

  8. Two out of four ain't too bad, Carrie.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. names? Nope :( I just know I like the music in the paintings!!!

  11. What a sweet thing to say! Thank you Myrna. I think I'll be seeing the East Bay P. A artist you gave my name to tomorrow in Fair Oaks at The School of Light and Color where I'm teaching a weekend wrkshp. on my On-The-Go Ink and Wash Sketching technique.

  12. Ah youth! Nat Cole was a singer with the most wonderful velvet voice! But I would say the next to last one is Winton Marsallis perhaps? I don't think of him as Jazz or Blues exclusively, he can do it all, but that looks rather like him. Louis Armstrong is very easy to see. Is thae last one Ray Charles? They are all wonderful and dynamic portraits though. WOW!

  13. I just looked again, is that Billie holiday?

  14. Dianne,Billie Holiday and Armstrong, yes. The others, no. You got 2 out of the4. I glad you are grooving on my jazz portraits.

  15. Billie Holiday, Louis Armstrong.. much trouble with the saxophonist - Wayne Shorter?, and the last one, forget it!

  16. And I forgot to mention how wonderful these are! Love all of the colors!

  17. Two out of four, Dan. No cigar, but thanks for your comment!

  18. I'm not even gonna try naming them..I know nothing about jazz - great work though, David!

  19. i am no good at music, but, i LOVE these paintings! You have truly captured the feeling and emotion of these fabulous performers. they have to be fabulous performers because that is what comes through in these paintings!

  20. Liana, Thank you. That was my intention and hope...to capture their artistic verve in watercolor.

  21. Hi David,

    I am catching up. I love your watercolour portraits. You are de man!

    Your fan in Toronto,


  22. love both the expressions of 2 + 4 fantastic david

  23. Jane, # 2 is my fav. Louie knew how to play the trumpet, sign, drink whiskey, and smile.
