Saturday, April 2, 2011

Another Archived Lobenberg Bridge Watercolor

Since I posted the previous bridge, I remembered this one from Ye Old Lobenberg Archive. This one is painted even looser, and I really like the style. What do you think? The structure is the Tower Bridge and leads into downtown Sacramento and crosses the Sacramento River. It was built in the early 1930's when the nation's economy was in the dumpster...kinda like it is with our economy now!


  1. I think this is fabulous too, David, but I really loved that last one. Oh to master any style, loose, tight, what have you...!

  2. I always admire people who can paint so loose.

  3. What a cheerful painting,

    I love it. And I like this trip through the archives. I'm pretty sure I mentioned you in one of my recent entries, because this archives idea pleased me.

    Your fan in Toronto,


  4. Autumn, Deep down, you are a latent structural engineer, and that is why you like my previous rainbow bridge painting. :-)

  5. Fay, I could paint tighter, but it would drive me nuts, and definitely would not be as challenging.

  6. I like that description, Barbara..."cheerful".

  7. Hi David,
    Really love this watercolor. Reminds me of my wonderful time living in Sacramento. Is it available in a print?
    Julie Gyoerkoe

  8. Thanks Julie. Unfortunately, it is not available in print form.
