Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Howdaya like these wheels?

This was an on-the-go Sharpie Pen/Tombow Pen/ Niji Waterbrush sketch demonstration I did for the Nevada "Sierra Watercolor Society" in Reno. I conducted a two day workshop there last week teaching the participants how to use these three wonderful art tools. The third day was my demo day for the SWS monthly meeting. They all were a wonderful and very welcoming group, and it was an honor for me to have been invited to do the workshop/demo. Nevada has a desert climate and an absolutely beautifully stark looking landscape. I'd like to go back someday to sketch and paint it! I'll post some photos of the workshop soon. Oh, by the way, if you are ever in Reno, check out the Nevada Art Museum...spectacular!


  1. A beautiful piece indeed, David. I see these and I know what is truly missing from my arsenal: drawing skills. I was instantly reminded of the guy in American Graffiti that got stuck with the teenage Mackenzie Phillips. I think he was what was probably called a "hood" back in those days. I love the car!

  2. Que maravilla de dibujo! No falta un detalle. Es perfecto.
    Un saludo

  3. Autumn, yes drawing skill is key. My fav. how to book is Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain.

  4. Carol, Thanks - nothing like a drawing with Tombow washes.

  5. O.W.T., thanks! I am NOT a germaphobic!
