Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Birthday!!!

I know that this is suppose to be my "art only" blog, but I can't help it, because I am so excited for the Egyptian people...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


  1. Right on! Now let's hope something wonderful happens. Is it your birthday too? If so -- Happy Birthday to you. And gorgeous painting.

    Your fan in Toronto.


  2. Barbara, Yes, had my birthday on Feb.1. My wife's is on Feb 3. Feb. 2 here, south of the Canadian border is Ground Hog Day. You northerners ain't the only crazy ones!

  3. Lovely! Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen and even Jordan is having a change up with the staff... Big doings!! Proof that people can still make a difference in the world. Love your art.

  4. Very nice. THANK YOU! . . . how the heck did you know (Feb 11) it was MY birthday?

  5. Power to the people and the internet, Autumn and VP Miller!

  6. Of course I knew it was your birthday, Dan!! Courtland rocks!!!

  7. Danke schon und thank you, Cynthia and Liana!

  8. Nice painting. Belated Happy Birthday David.

    Writing from the ME it's a little scary especially with deaths in Bahrain yesterday. I know Qatari's who are worried about implications. Normally, I spend time telling my American friends how safe and unlike the media portrayal it is here. NOW it does feel unsafe because of the "jubilation" of people power and unknown consequences.

    Yes, people got their voice heard, but Egypt is now a military state - a far cry from democracy. It will take a while to find out if this revolution will end like the Iranian or German revolutions. (sorry political head on)

  9. You are correct, Sue...the situation in Egypt and the middle east is very unsettled. The story in Egypt hopefully will have a happy democratic ending. The hard work there begins. Revolutions are always messy, and don't necessarily have happy endings. Stay safe, and keep me in the loop.
