Thursday, January 6, 2011

My winter semester's college drawing class with their charcoal portrait masterpieces!

For a number of years now, the final assignment in my Sacramento City College drawing class is a charcoal portrait. I take photos of all my students, make prints, and then assign each student with a photo of one of their fellow class mates. They use the photo print as their reference for their portrait rendering. These drawings made wonderful holiday presents as they are given by the student artist to their subject!


  1. Been out of the loop lately, David, but I always enjoy reading your blog and seeing your work. As always, you've had a fine crop of students!

  2. What a fabulous assignment and so well executed.

  3. What a super idea, and what great work!

    You must be a wonderful teacher.
    You make me want to go back to school again. Oh wait. I am going back to school next week!

    Your Toronto fan,


  4. Autumn, Wow! seems you have been going through a lot of, pardon my French, SHIT. Sounds like things are getting back on track for you and your husband, and that is indeed good! Always great to hear from you! Keep on truckin.

  5. Thanks, Sue. The students always enjoy this assignment.

  6. Don't forget that you are due back at school next week! I go back in two weeks, Barbara. I have a pen and ink class and drawing class. Teaching is fun...well there can be times...but mostly fun!

  7. I was pleased to read you give a pen & ink class. I am virtually self-taught as their are/were so few people who teach/taught it other than the technical drawing stuff (which I did).

  8. Really cool...I like the fact that all the portraits really resemble the subjects in there...they have done a good job. Btw...I am new to you David...I enjoy reading your blog and have been following it for quite a while now...I am also a big fan of Milind Mulick...and that is how I got to know about your blog.

    Looking forward to attending one of your watercolor workshops !

  9. Hey there Professor! It is Billy, the guy with the neck floss. Arda showed me your blog, and wanted to say hello as well!

  10. Sue, I am really excited about this class. I taught it only once, and that was several years ago.

  11. Shirupa, I am so glad you have been following my humble blog and that you are a fellow fan of Milind. We did a paint off on our respective blogs a year or so ago. Check past posts on his and my blog. It's somewhere in our blog's dusty past.

  12. I will never forget the floss trick! It was a delight having you perform in my class. I'll be teachinf drawing again in Davis starting next Wednesday. If you and Arda ever want to drop by, feel free.

  13. sounds fantastic! just give me a location, and time and arda and i will drop by and visit! I have all the time in the world this quarter.

  14. Oh ! I saw that monochrome Indian Turban Man you did for paint off...I saw that one on the website.

  15. Shirupa, You just reminded me that we did two paint- offs...the turban man and we also did a bicycle street scene.

  16. Have Arda give me a call (she has my studio # on the drawing syllabus if she saved it) and we can set up a time to visit my class in Davis or W. Sac.
