Sunday, January 16, 2011

Coming Through The Pines (once "Sierra Meadow Pathway)

I think that several months ago I posted one of my acrylic paintings titled "Sierra Pathway". It was one of the first paintings I did last summer in preparation for a two- man show at the Elliott Fouts Gallery here in Sacramento. After having lived with this painting for about half a year, I took another look- see two days ago and decided it was a "dog". That same day, I painted a very loose forest green background to reduce the incline of the meadow...still a dog! I then painted in a new pathway...still a dog!! Yesterday, I painted in the sun coming through the trees...better! Painted over all the flowers and re-painted the field with rocks and different flowers...I think it is no longer a dog! Could I have perchance changed a sow's ear into a silk purse? Or should I say a dog's ear into a Jerry Garcia tie? I should have documented the change- over, but you know how it can get when one has a bee under one's bonnet?


  1. Bravo! What a difference and all the changes for the better :)

  2. Well, I rather like both versions but that sun coming through the trees is perfection!

  3. Through the pines is fabulous, far far better.

  4. Rhonda, I'm glad you agree, and thank you for the feed back. As you know, sometimes we can fool ourselves into thinking a painting we finished is just grand when really it isn't!

  5. Autumn, Gotta tell you that it's been overcast and foggy here in Sacramento, so I enjoyed painting that glaring sun.

  6. Sue, I really appreciate your feedback on this one.

  7. This vibrant sun through the trees is fabulous!! We can use some of that sun here in Germany right about now too.

  8. Cynthia, May Deutschland be blessed mit sonne soon.
