Monday, December 6, 2010

Liquid Sunshine

As I write this, I am lusting for some liquid sunshine. Why? Because I just had a wonderful (and salty) Thai dinner. Thristy, thirsty, thirsty!! At the top of my list for thirst quenchers is fresh squeezed liquid sunshine. 8"X10" watercolor on 140 lb cold press with deckled edge cut. HELP! MAYDAY! S.O.S.! The sky you see peeking through was painted with the last of my Manganese Blue watercolor. I cannot find any AUTHENTIC manganese blue watercolor anywhere. Do any of my readers know where I can get some? Maybe it is no longer on the market because of its toxicity, but in some out- of- the- way corner of the world, there may still be some. One can only hope!


  1. Nice!! Cheers me up - it's very cold and snowy here.

  2. WOW I thought this was a photo David.

    Lovely the raspberries of your last post too. They'd go great with a sparkling white - after you'd finished painting them.

  3. Love, it!!! It is liquid sunshine, makes me long for summer.

  4. David, this may be elementary, but how do you get deckled edges all around? On full size sheets, cut to 1/8th size this gets lost.
    Beginner that is on your side because Maria Winkler sent me...

  5. Yep, you need a wee bit of sunshine out there, Kathy. We're rainy here, but I LOVE the rain in the winter, because I lust for it during our hot , long summers!

  6. Yea, the raspberries is a kinda tight ass painting. Not my usual style, but it was a great challenge, Sue.

  7. Hi Mike. Yes, Maria is a new friend of mine. I met her awhile back when she came to take knitting lessons at my and my wife's studio. The deckled edge is just too, too easy...go online to a scrap booking site, and purchase a pair of deckle-cutting scissors.

  8. Love the painting. And sorry to be the bearer of bad news -- you guessed right -- true maganese is no longer made (because of toxicity, I think). I sympathize with your loss. I had a different favorite pigment that is no longer available and went through serious angst over that.

  9. Chris, you do some dynamite h2o work! Thank you for your sympathy.
