Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I'm bummed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One of my favorite blog artists, Carol Marine, went out with another fab. painter, James Coulter, and painted airplanes and did not invite me along! There is a special place reserved in Hell for artists like this!!!!!! Only kidding, dear readers, but I sure got jealous and I dare say a little misty eyed, when I saw what they painted and knowing that I was not there with them. I LOVE to paint flying machines! The prop, cute/smiley, profile, and head- on nose images were painted by Carol and the Connie (the most beautiful aircraft in the world!) was painted by James. I added my "Jolly Green Giant" Vietnam-era helicopter so that I can fantasize that I was painting with them! PS: Theirs are in oil and mine is in acrylic.


Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

Aren't airplanes fascinating. Actually I'm a little partial to helicopters myself, but don't tell my Air Force hubby. I'm dying to get to the boneyard in AZ and paint some, but I do have some great reference photos from Baghdad, compliments of before mentioned AF hubby. I loved Carol's paintings also and how dare they not invite you, for shame:)

Sandra Busby said...

They look SO complicated to paint! I think I'd be terrified! These paintings are amazing - You have an incredible talent :0)

David Lobenberg said...

Carrie, bone yard in Arizona!!...if I were there painting, I'd think I had died and gone to heaven!

David Lobenberg said...

Prabha, I thank you, and I'm sure the other two in my trio would thank you as well!

David Lobenberg said...

Sandra, They really are not much more difficult than anything else. You need to have a good handle on seeing angles, contours, proportion, and position of things as they relate to other things...well...maybe they are a challenge!

Carol Marine said...

I would like to apologize for the both of us, David, for not inviting you along! If only we'da known you had such a fondness for flying things. I love your helicopter! The only downside about the museum is all the windows are painted gray - would have been so much better with the glass. Have a fabulous Christmas!

David Lobenberg said...

Carol, I knew there was something that I liked about you (other than your art, and I have the good fortune of owning 4 of your still lifes) and that is the fact that you are a girl that likes to paint cars, trucks, and airplanes! :-) I forgive you and James.

David Lobenberg said...

Carol, I forgot to add, haben sie eine gutes Weihnachts!
(fracture Deuthsch, but it is the best that I can mange)

Celeste Bergin said...

all beautiful. I share your affection for machines...in particular, the winged ones.

Leslie Sealey said...

Great paintings, thanks for sharing them!

David Lobenberg said...

Hi there, Celeste. I am glad, that as a fellow aero machine lover, that you enjoy this little collection.

David Lobenberg said...

Glad ya like em, hippo girl!

http://www.onpainting.wordpress.com said...

These are very cool paintings. Probably didn't invite you out of fear you would make them look like amateur dilettantes.

David Lobenberg said...

Bill, yes!... that must be why I was left out! Thanks!! A dilettante is a flat brush, right?