Friday, November 5, 2010

Back in the saddle again...kinda scary at first.

Today I took some time off to attend a live model painting session. Some very good artists were there with a lot of experience doing this on a regular basis. It was a three hour session. I got this far. There are so many ways to start a figure painting . My approach today was to contour sketch with a brush and lay in color areas at the same time. I did not crop in close to the model, so I had fun painting the environment around her, Anyway, got my feet wet and will try to do this on a more regular basis, because it's a lot of fun and the practice keeps one on the straight and narrow or to put it another way, keeps one's skill level sharper. The other photo you see here are oils by a two of my compadres. My effort is in acrylic. I was the one and only acrylic-er!


  1. Hey David~ Glad you could make it!! Hella fun, eh?

  2. Terry, As I say in my native east Sacto tongue...mucho fun! Thanks for el luncho, senoir!

  3. Beautiful! You sure do ride that saddle with gusto! Was this in oil or acrylic?

  4. Greetings. Prabha! Someday you WILL...keep painting!

  5. Thanks for the comment Cohen. Good question! I forgot to add that I was painting in acrylic. I don't paint in oil.

  6. Hi David,

    I love it when you pretend you have trouble doing something and then post another dazzling work. You are so good.

    Ciao from Toronto,


  7. Barbara, I try to fraternize with some of the best painters around like Terry Miura. When you paint with artists like him, you tend to be a wee bit humble. Sure is a challenging and fun path to go down!

  8. Barbara, I try to fraternize with some of the best painters around like Terry Miura. When you paint with artists like him, you tend to be a wee bit humble. Sure is a challenging and fun path to go down!

  9. Wow - You really do have an amazing talent. I am in absolute awe!

  10. I remember the last time I attended to such a session. The model changed her position every 5 seconds ... Argh !
    It's always a great challenge and you made it brilliantly !
    Moreover, it offers interesting perspectives that we cannot obtain so easily while working from photographs.


  11. Thanks, Sandra. The fun thing about going to this particular painting sessions on Fridays is that there are some really good painters there. Plenty of inspiration!

  12. Catherine, Yes, that happened to me when I first attendeded a figure session. I found out that some sessions are short poses and some are long. At this particular Friday session, it is a 3 hour pose.

  13. lovely piece, despite the pressure you must have experienced. Looks like a great group to be a part of with a nice space.

  14. Howdy, Clive. Yep, good space, good people. I'm going to try and make it back this Friday. If I do, I'll post my effort again.
