Thursday, October 28, 2010

You're David Lobenberg!

Last week, internationally known watercolor artist Nick Simmons came to talk about his working method and to do a workshop at the California Watercolor Asc. in the Concord area of my fair state. As he was heading towards his laptop station, he looks over to me and says "You're David Lobenberg!" Well hell yes I am!! He gave a bodacious talk and computer display. If you have an h2o group, book this dude! Anyway, after the talk, we chatted a wee bit and had our photo taken.As you can plainly see, he is a rather sinister person. I just became a member of CWA, and by golly if they didn't put me in their November newsletter "artist spot light" section. Click here to get on the home page of CWA, then click on "current and back issues: right at the top of the page and high lighted in blue. I am on page 5 of the Nov. issue. (POOH!!!...I JUST WENT TO THE CWA SITE AND CLICKED ON THE ONLINE NEWSLETTER SECTION, AND THEY HAVEN'T GOT THE NOVEMBER ISSUE UP YET. GO BACK TO THEIR SITE IN A FEW DAYS IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SEEING THE ARTICLE. SORRY ABOUT THAT)


  1. Pooh indeed. But the photo is a hit with your fans up Canada way. That is a sinister T-shirt -- all the rage with Toronto kids.

    You are funny. Congratulations on the newsletter. You are da man.



  2. Barbara,Do I look too sinister with my arm around Nick? One never knows what lurks behind the smile of a bald headed man with a grey beard!

  3. Prabha, One star is bigger than the other but the other has a goodly modicum of watercolor shine.

  4. It was a gas to see you there the other night David. Glad you were smiling, and very happy you came up afterwards. Disappointed that only a handful out of that crowd were outraged by the presentation - I'm not trying hard enough! ha Next time we need to set aside a day to hang out and conspire. :)

  5. Nick, I believe that indeed, we need to conspire up something to piss off more people, especially all those jack wagons (if I may borrow a term from the retired USMC gunny of movie and TV fame) out there that do not give watercolorists their proper due!
