Thursday, October 7, 2010

And then there were two wine labels

Back late August, I posted some grape watercolors that I had just completed. I also posted them onto my website. Well, a business entrepreneur saw them and contacted me to see if he could pay me a usage right to use two of the painted images for wine labels. The bottles of wine (red and white) will be used for promotional purposes. We agreed on a price and here are said labels. These are their design firm's design comps to be approved by the client. Kinda fun, uh? I told Mr. entrepreneur that an artist gets thirsty whilst working hard in his studio. Once they get the filled bottles of wine off the production line, he told me that he will send me a few bottles to prevent my getting dehydrated...nice man!


  1. Hi David,
    Brilliant! I seriously loved your grape paintings, but didn't want to fawn over them and contribute to an enlarged cranium-yours. Now that they're gonna be on bottles of elixir, I may have to seek them out.
    I would cherish the empties.

  2. I plan on cherishing the empties first, Gary. I'm a thirsty guy.

  3. Fantastic news David. These paintings were the ones which drew me to your blog in the first place. Congrats.

    Wish I could help you create the empties 8D

  4. Wow! I'm impressed! Excellent use of some lovely watercolors!

  5. how wonderful! That must have been a great feeling.

  6. congratulations! i would buy the wine just because of the label!

  7. You're just too far away travelingsue otherwise I would share.

  8. Carol, Prabha, Fay, and Liana, Thank you for your positive comments (although, I am also open to negative comments as well!).

  9. congratulations! Hope those of us outside CA get to check out if the contents are worthy of the beautiful labels?

  10. Now in hindsight it seemed so obvious that these would have been perfect wine bottle labels. Kudos to the vintners who had the keen sense to realize what visually compelling images those are.
    The bottles, like book covers often sell based on the outside.
    How wonderful for you.

  11. Thanks, Comrade Bonnie. And thank you for the portrait lead. The commission, if it come to fruition, could be more exciting than the wine labels. We shall see.

  12. That's great! Your paintings are perfect for this idea! I was very impressed when I saw them a while ago, but can't remember whether I actually left a comment at the time.
    At this occasion I would also like to thank you very much for adding me to your link list, in case I haven't done so before. I tend to loose track, unfortunately...

  13. Thank you, Liza, and periodically I will check into your blog to see your latest and greatist.

  14. Man David,

    You are just everywhere! What amazing labels your paintings make. I remember oohing and aahing when you posted those. Now if the entrepreneur could send a bottle or two to Canada I'd be able to toast you using your own label. That would be ultra cool!



  15. Clive, When I was driving around the vineyard guiding people to our painting location, I found myself fastening my seat belt ( n a vineyard with absolutely no other vehicles!) Habits are hard to break!
