Sunday, September 12, 2010

"High Sierra", Sketch and Full Sheet Watercolor

The sketch took about 30 minutes on a 400 Series Strathmore 140lb cold press watercolor sketch pad. My sketches are drawn with a soft office pencil followed with non-water soluble black ink line over that. Next comes the final watercolor washes. Size: 9"X12". The full blown watercolor is 22"X30" on 140lb professional grade cold press watercolor paper. The painting was completed with a few strokes of various colored conte crayons. That 18th century Conte (a Frenchman) was a great inventor of some artistic mediums such as Conte crayon. Splattering with a toothbrush was added as foreground texture on both pieces. The sketch sells for $100 plus shipping and handling, and the watercolor sells for $400 plus shipping and handling. I haven't got Paypal set up yet, but if you are unterested, email me at


  1. Both are charming! You have so many talents!

  2. Thanks Myrna. I have been doing the ink/wash sketching for many years and particularly when I teach my watercolor plein air class during the summer semester. What fun!

  3. Thanks SKIZO. I like your graphic-style art work. Fun!

  4. thanks.there is very nice make very funny Sketches.
    thanks again.

  5. Great work David,

    Thank goodness you are charging a decent amount. Both the sketch and watercolour are collector worthy and will no doubt be snatched up in minutes.

    Take care,


  6. Barbara, I did get a call from a business in Florida but not in regards to these pieces. They want to print a wine label so they Googled "happy grapes", and my grape h2o's came up on page one! Funny and small world!
