Tuesday, August 31, 2010

California's Gold

Every year, I appear on Sacramento's PBS station to help with their annual live, on-air art auction that raises money for the station. Artists throughout the Northern Calif. region submit art to be juried into the auction. The artists fully donate their paintings and the station keeps all the money made from viewer bids. The viewers call into a phone bank to place their bids as each piece is talked about and auctioned off on live TV. I usually appear with several of the auctioneers as an "art expert" and in from two to four half hour auction sequences to pontificate about the various art pieces. This year there will be an auction sequence called California's Gold. The art from some of the area's top artists (myself included) will be in this section. The name was approved by a very well known PBS host who travels about our state and records it all in a weekly program called California's Gold. He's a big good ole boy original from Tennessee with a winning blue grass twang and an uber southern charm. I was interviewed by him several weeks ago while dabbling at my easel. The interview will be aired to help advertise this year's auction and will also run before my piece goes on air in the California's Gold sequence. Ahh, if I could only have this type of fire power to help sell my art on a weekly, year round basis...and...all the money gets donated to me!


  1. Sounds like fun times for a wonderful cause. And what a neat way to get a Lobenberg home :)

  2. Love the painting. I hope they raised lots of money.

    "all the money gets donated to me!" ha ha

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I heard you were interviewed. I am looking forward to seeing the interview. Glad you got this exposure.

  5. Utterly LOVE this painting, David! - Dana

  6. Thank you for sharing
    This fabulous work with us
    Good creations

  7. Hi David,

    You've got plenty of fire power. What I'd like to know is where you're standing. It looks like a pretty great location. Love the painting. You are an art expert!

    Your friend in Toronto,


    P.S. I deleted the earlier comment because I forgot the "in" before Toronto. I promise to quit rushing my comments and proof them in future. Super work.

  8. Meera, It is always fun and exciting, and this year, it was a kick being interviewed by a television celeb.

  9. Terry, the interview should be on-air and on the KVIE website in a few days.

  10. Thank you dana. Gladya like my effort.

  11. Barbara, well it certainly was not out at the ranch. It was in the plaza at the KVIE television station.

  12. Barbara (again), so refreshing to know a fellow painter who is a stickler for proofing. Bravo, my Canadian compadre!

  13. I hope so too, Prabha and may the wind always be at your back as the old Irish saying goes.

  14. David,

    Would you mind if I attempted a watercolor version of this painting ?

  15. Love that, a transparent looking acrylic, firing on all 8

  16. Yes, Sujit, go ahead and use my painting to do a watercolor. I'd love to see it when you are finished. My email is: sushi3@mac.com. Have fun!
